[ SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE ELDEST] It's strange how it takes one message that sends things spiraling. Fate is a spiral to Ragnorok. The next major event is the new einherji, and the disappearance of a retired Valkyrie. When Magnus starts getting visions with Hel herself, and his closest friends begin to vanish, the son of Frey is called to another mission. But again, he won't be alone. Friends new and old join him on the seas again as death brings her own mischief to the table in hopes to bring Loki back and start the end of the universe. Stakes are high, lives at risk, precarious prophecies in demand, and why does Percy Jackson's oracle demand Freyson and his death? {Again, none of these characters are mine, except for OCs. They belong to Rick Riordan. Also, if you haven't read my other story, Fall Of The Eldest, make sure you do, you'll get more references. It will mostly be in Magnus' view, but will transition between Alex and others possibly. Updates won't be too random, but there shouldn't be too long of a wait. A week or two at most. } One more thing - This story is rated PG-13 in my opinion, containing massive gore and touchy subjects that might not be for the faint of heart. I don't want to mark it as mature cause I fear it would effect the views, so I'm giving the warning now. Also, PLEASE COMMENT!!!
Chapter 1 - My Nemesis Is My Neighbor