Label: Married
By XOXOpixie
  • General Fiction
  • asian
  • bangali
  • bride
  • crazy
  • creative
  • designer
  • gentleman
  • humor
  • husband
  • insane
  • islam
  • love
  • muslim
  • rambles
  • realist
  • romance
  • sceptic
  • spiritual
  • wedding
  • wife


The story usually ends with the Happily Ever After at the wedding. This one, however, starts right after. Well that's what life's like. There is no such thing as Happily Ever After. Yasmin's finally agreed to marry one of the guys from her parents' list of eligible bachelors instead of waiting for a Jack to come along and sweep her off her feet. Oh wait, that story ended with the Titanic sinking... Well, that just proves that romance can easily end with the other one drowning and you being left all on your own for the rest of your miserable life. No, no, wait.. did he drown or did he freeze? Well who cares about technicalities, the point is that he died and nobody was happy at the end. Needless to say, Yasmin is less of a dreamer and more of a pragmatic type who'd rather marry someone who can offer her stability in her life than search her whole life for a love that may just as well just make her more miserable than before. Who needs that vague concept called 'love' anyway? Well, she's adaptable enough, so maybe she will come to love or at least be fond of her new husband. Or maybe he'll just be the first in a list of future divorces. And it's not like being a wife to a man is all that her life is about. There's her career, her family and her friends that she has to juggle to keep up with in her life as well. Disclaimer: Just 'cause my character's like this doesn't mean all Muslim girls are, okay?


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Label: Ma...
by XOXOpixie