By carlgrimeussy
  • Fanfiction
  • curtis
  • dallaswinston
  • darrycurtis
  • fanfic
  • gay
  • greasers
  • johnny
  • johnnyboy
  • johnnycade
  • johnnycadexponyboycurtis
  • johnnycakes
  • johnnyxpony
  • johnnyxponyboy
  • mlm
  • outsiders
  • ponyboy
  • ponyboycurtis
  • ponycurtis
  • shipfic
  • sodapopcurtis
  • steverandle
  • theoutsiders


I DREAMT OF NIRVANA - JOHNNYBOY / JOHNNY CADE X PONYBOY CURTIS When two seperate fires kindle into one, what could happen for the two? PONYBOY Ponyboy Curtis is a hard worker- but for the wrong things. The diamond of the track team, head of the school's top gossip, a brother, a skater- and a total party animal embodies the skitish brunette. Ponyboy hates school - he only goes when he has to. But another reason he goes is because of the house parties he can attend by invite through the grapevine. With his parents out of the picture, Ponyboy does just about everything and anything he wants. JOHNNY Johnny Cade is everything but a social butterfly- He enjoys the quiet life he persevered. Rainy days, spindling records, triumphing novels, and solitude is exactly Johnny's forte. Johnny is a straight A student, a total brainiac at just about everything- his attendance chart is as clean as a fresh chalk board. Johnny isn't one for parties, but his friends Steve Randle and Dallas Winston sure are, so he's got that going for him. DALLAS Dallas Winston, the string to it all. Dallas is a complete social butterfly- but he has a couple good friends he keeps close. Steve and Johnny, who he had known since childhood (in which the time where he had moved from New York to Tulsa, a triumphant change) and Ponyboy Curtis who is almost like a brother to the man. Dallas has a whole lot of friends, but these three are his truest. Dallas sometimes feels he is taken advantage of by his others, such as Bob or Randy- but that is far from the truth. Dallas is a broken man, belonging to the streets for as long as he could remember, but he had always made it work. extra tags - Johnny Cade - JOHNNYBOY - Johnny Cade x Ponyboy Curtis - Ponyboy - Ponyboy Curtis - Dally - Dallas Winston - The Outsiders - SE Hinton - Fanfic - Fluff - Greasers


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