Runes in Blood (und...
By TiffanyCox2
  • Teen Fiction
  • action
  • demon
  • demonhunters
  • fiction
  • teen
  • teenfiction


Fylight is suddenly thrown into the mysterious world filled with demons, werewolves, vampires and demon hunters. When a pack of werewolves threaten someone Fylight cherishes, she is accompanied by her friend Inola, the intriguing Jason, along with the rest of the demon Hunters. She must learn how to fight like a Hunter to protect who she loves. But in the end will her vigorous training pay off or will she fail and lose someone else? "Screams filled the house and I tried to scream too but nothing came out. No one heard my cries, not even me. My throat stung from the strain in my silent voice. Tears filled my eyes and I desperately clenched my fist ready to fight even if I was frozen. The black beast turned to me, his muzzle dripping with blood, and he seemed to be grinning, because I couldn't do anything. I couldn't help myself and I couldn't help my mom. I could almost smell my fear as my knees wobbled."

Chapter 1 The Abduction

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Runes in...
by TiffanyCox2