Walking Fire
By CrowWritesStories
  • Romance
  • drama
  • fiction
  • fictionalcharacters
  • lgbtfiction
  • mature
  • mystery
  • novel
  • romance
  • tragedy
  • wlw


A WLW story between two lovers. Temperance and Eudora, lesbian lovers intertwined in the kingdom of Don; face romance and twisted bittersweet tragedies. Temperance, 25 year old woman and spouse of Eudora, 27 year old bodyguard. Serenity, Eudora's best friend and maid of honor to a wedding between the two. Dash and Vincent, Eudora's right hand men and guardsmen for her wife, Temperance. join them in the novel Walking Fire and ride the emotional rollercoaster. Walking Fire is a novel of two lesbian lovers, how they met, how they got together. this book is a drama and romance filled slowburn with a bit of twisted history and surprising mystery. this book is not intended for a younger audience as it is graphic and contains real and serious issues involving relationships, abuse and scenarios. as creator of this story I don't recommend a audience weak of stomach, or with any possible great triggers. ! DISCLAIMER ! ~ The following situations and subjects mentioned can potentially be triggering to an audience, if you want to progress do so with caution, or skip chapters overall. I will make a warning indication. following topics : Blood and Gore Self harm Murder Sex Abuse Foul language Betrayal I want to add another silly side note, the following cover is something I got off of Pinterest and just edited myself with the title, so credits to that. All images I'm using will be from Pinterest, images as in covers. As for characters, that is in fact my own and friends' art. My friend is helping me design character outfits, not all of them are my original idea.


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Walking F...
by CrowWritesStories