Dimensional Impact:...
By TheNintegaGuy
  • Fanfiction
  • adventure
  • amber
  • barbara
  • bennett
  • diluc
  • eula
  • fischl
  • genshin
  • genshinimpact
  • jean
  • kaeya
  • klee
  • lisa
  • lumine
  • mona
  • paimon
  • rosaria
  • teyvat
  • venti


Three gaming best friends fulfill their greatest destiny as Teyvat's mightiest explorers as they travel with the Traveler, Lumine and her guide, Paimon around on a quest to discover the secrets of each of the Archons in Teyvat while also helping Lumine find her lost brother. Throughout their journey they'll discover their true potential, friendship, and best of all romance. What wonders hold these five friends as they start their journey in the City of Freedom, Mondstadt? TheNintegaGuy: *sighs* The greatest and most expansive gacha game is being written here right in the palm of our hands, guys. Jordanwolfboy9743: I feel like I'm ready for this, but at the same time I'm both nervous and scared for what we have to show in this book that we are writing. Shadowlight2784: Well, let's be honest, Nintevitus, Wolfitus, and Lightitus combined is basically just a death wish for entertainment. I mean, you can't find much content where all of our ideas spark at once. Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, except Savior of CHS... Shadowlight2784: That doesn't count since that's MLP and we all joined in later. I'm talking about from start to finish, our ideas cook up probably the best kind of collab book anyone has ever seen. TheNintegaGuy: He's right. My creative action scenes, Jordan's comedic and fanservice ideas, and Shadow's paraphrasing is all what makes stories like these amazing. Can't wait to showcase all of them at once during this story as I don't feel like they're going to disappoint one bit... Oh, who am I kidding? We NEVER disappoint. Disclaimer from Paimon: This story is a work of fiction. Paimon along with Lumine and all of the characters used in this book belong to Mihoyo. Any content that Nintega, Jordan, and Shadow use besides their own belong to their respective owners.

Author Notes: Bios (PLEASE READ!)

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by TheNintegaGuy