This is a Bonus book for both of the books of Oh, Fuzz Buckets (by Kittycatyellow) and I Rise with YOU (by Kittycatyellow). Enjoy. *whoooosssshhhhh* BAAMMM! And you're transported back nine centuries. Y/N grew up with a relatively normal life, and by that I mean, being the apprentice of the sister of the king in the twelfth century with a abnormal, mysterious power that no one knows you have, except three people. Wait, why did I say normal again? Never mind. But what she doesn't know yet, she will find out in the future. But for now, we will focus on the past, and how Y/N L/N, came to be. (Wizards, Tales of Arcadia, is NOT my own work, it's dream works. This is just the before story of Oh, Fuzz Buckets (by Kittycatyellow) and I Rise With YOU (by Kittycatyellow) Have a good day.
Nine Centuries Ago