One Out of Four
By Ang-ely
  • Action
  • familyissues
  • foster
  • fosterfamily
  • loss
  • parents
  • siblings


In a heart-wrenching journey of resilience and hope, "One Out of Four" follows the lives of two siblings, once part of a happy family shattered by a tragic loss. When their mother is brutally taken from them, the young boy and girl must navigate the unbearable pain of witnessing her death. As their father succumbs to grief and abandons them, they find themselves thrust into the unfamiliar world of foster care. Struggling to keep their family tragedy hidden, they endure the challenges of their new environment. However, their lives take a turn for the worse when the weight of grief becomes too much for the older brother to bear. Left in a coma after a suicide attempt, the sister refuses to leave his side, hoping for a miraculous recovery.

Chapter 1.

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One Out o...
by Ang-ely