The Imprisoned Drag...
By AnotherCupOfGreenTea
  • Fanfiction
  • bl
  • blade
  • blfanfiction
  • boylove
  • boyxboy
  • danheng
  • fantasy-romance
  • historical
  • honkaistarrail
  • honkaistarrailfanfiction
  • hsr
  • imbibitor
  • isekai
  • novel
  • renchen
  • renheng
  • texttospeech
  • yaoi
  • yaoifanfic


Blade held the chains and pulled to force the figure to get out of the shadow. His crazy and excited bloody smile disappeared once he noticed what he had in front of his eyes. The man had long black hair, he was on the ground, catching his breath, before trying to raise his head and show the swordman A beautiful blue, the sea, the serendipity. A terrifying red, the blood shed by many in the battlefield, the anger. Their eyes met as two opposite world in that moment did. Blade was crouching, his right hand had his long sword, the other was keeping the chain that was connected to those around the neck of the man he had in front. His eyes laid on the tail and the jade horns of the guy who was still catching his breath. Blade smirked insanely and pulled more up the chains, forcing the man to be closer to him. Blade let his sword on the ground, to reach out the chin of the prisoner, to keep his head up and force to meet again his cold red eyes "Well well, what's a dragon doing here, chained in this forgotten temple?" *** It's going to be BL, so just you know, I got inspired by these two, so I had to write with them as main characters


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The Impri...
by AnotherCupOfGreenTea