SkyFall : Eulogy of...
By Dimassa99
  • Fantasy
  • -romance
  • 18
  • adventure
  • fantasy
  • fantasy-romance
  • gore
  • magic
  • mecha
  • politic
  • politics
  • r-rated
  • romance
  • science-fiction
  • scifi
  • sliceoflife
  • sorcery
  • swordsmanship


"In the estuary of destiny. The Will seeks its emissary. To mend the wrongs of devilish creation. Warning of primordial Void's coming retribution. The forgotten shall be brave and resolute, Crussading wars against horrors of the absolutes. The Death's voice shall linger in the air Twisting Darkness singing hymns of utter despair. Sacrifices made, offerings to heaven's might, Guiding the tapestry, in existence's eternal fight, Invoking a new world, where hope takes flight, Whether it will be eons of ashes, or a millenia of light." In a realm beset by plagues, war crimes, and impending cataclysm, Xinadra Scotia defies the chains of his outcast lineage, forcing himself, to chose between compasionate mercy, or wrathful retribution. Bound by a society ensnared in oppression and injustice, he uproots the corruption that festers at its core. The wickedness he confronts is but a mere shadow of the ancient evils that loom. Amidst a world cloaked in horrors, he defies the universe's ordained fate of impending doom..

Mother, Father, Sister

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SkyFall :...
by Dimassa99