The Hero From The A...
By Corn55555
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  • bnhaxbleach
  • bokunoheroacademia
  • crossover
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  • izuku
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  • kindaopizuku
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  • mhaxbleach
  • myheroacademia
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  • shinigamiizuku
  • soulreaperizuku


After one trainwreck, Izuku didn't expect another one, especially in the form of finding out who his father was and what his father was. His father was a traitor of an entire society full of souls?! That trainwreck was bigger than the last one. Then, he's told he can have powers... That definitely made the situation a tad better, but still... This knowledge will be the death of him, literally. (I do not own either My Hero Academia or Bleach, they both belong to their respective creators) (English isn't my first language so forgive me for any grammatical and spelling mistake) (It is also likely that there will be factual inaccuracies in facts in both My Hero Academia and Chainsaw Man, so please do correct me for my mishaps) (Out Of Character) (Edits on chapters will be made) (Cover art is not by me) (The cover art doesn't corelate with the story that much, no betrayals by Izuku will be made) (I am not fluent in Japanese, I actually do not know anything about the language, so please correct me for any mistake)

Prologue: Intervention

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The Hero...
by Corn55555