Dekuverse One shots...
By Corn55555
  • Action
  • bnha
  • bnhaxbleach
  • bnhaxkny
  • crossovers
  • dekuverse
  • drabbles
  • fanfiction
  • gore
  • izuku
  • izukumidoriya
  • kindaopizuku
  • mha
  • mhaxbleach
  • mhaxkny
  • noships
  • oneshots
  • scp
  • scpfoundation


Do you want a collection of Fanfictions where Izuku is the protagonist but also suffers more than he should? Then, here it is, the collection of Drabbles and Oneshots of various Dekuverses. Some universes may actually become stories themselves but if they don't then I'll just settle for One shots and Drabbles. Information about the one shot and drabble will be put in the beginning of the chapter; a few notes will be placed at the end for some information about the verse but a few chapters may just not have information on them and these chapters 100% do not have any ships. But, there are always warnings beforehand if there is any topic in the fanfiction that can make someone uncomfortable like gore. The names in parenthesis in a title is the AU of the universe. If it isn't a crossover, it's just a universe. Example: (Zombie Apocalypse) No crossover (BnhaxBleach) Crossover (The cover art is not owned by me, it belongs to the original artist) (Any anime characters used in this book is not owned by me, they all belong to their respective creators) (I apologize for any grammatical or spelling mistakes in the one shots)

It's not my fault (BnhaxBleach)(P1)

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by Corn55555