DragonTribes #2: Fo...
By QueensAndDragons
  • Fantasy
  • dragon
  • dragonrider
  • fantasy
  • foresttribe
  • tribes
  • war
  • zoe


Zoe froze as a loud squawk sounded ahead of her. She looked down to the ground were she followed a blood trail. The dragon had stepped on something sharp as it fleed from Zoe. The poor thing, I just want to help. Zoe walked forward as quietly as she could. She could hear the exhausted breaths of the white dragon. Zoe approached it quietly, but failed to not be noticed. The dragon instantly lifted its head in Zoe's direction, but laid it back down with a deep exhale. Zoe could see the blood oozing from the deep wound in its talon. Zoe approached it and kneeled down next to it. The dragon curled its tail tightly around itself. Zoe kneeled for a second in awe. Never once had she seen a white dragon. It was like seeing a ghost, which the dragon was just as quiet as one. She looked at the bright purple on its wings, it reminded her of the flowers the petunias. "You're very pretty, like a petunia." Zoe spoke to the dragon softly. The dragon's ears perked up and it chirped softly at the word petunia. "Petunia?" Zoe questioned the dragon. The dragon cooed softly. "I'm Zoe." She introduced herself.

Chapter 1: The Strange Dragonling

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by QueensAndDragons