The two Savings of...
By Bingopugs
  • Fanfiction
  • anti-zadr
  • anti-zagr
  • dark
  • dib
  • gaz
  • genocide
  • gir
  • invaderzim
  • military
  • mimi
  • tak
  • technology
  • war
  • zim
  • zimxoc
  • zimxtak


36 years ago World War III has started every human on earth believe that the United Nations has finally Fallen therefore all at War has begun a year after the nuclear Holocaust two hyperpowers have emerged one of these great Nations was led by a being from another world the alien dictator Zim and save many humans as he can starting off with a small army of robots have now evolved into almost a billion human soldiers well the other great power The human dictator Dib was the Sun of the most intelligent man in the world Professor membrane after Dib father has passed away due to an accident is when this World War III started and using his father's theme he managed to grow his own Army convincing the other humans but the alien was responsible for the devastation of their world the alien dictator has conquered North and South America and most of Europe all of Japan and Australia and they're nearing Islands will the human dictator how to make do with Asia and Africa and most of Russia but how did it come to this how is this universe so much more different why is this universe much more different we may never know but we're about to know is how came to be this war what was happening before the war started all this story will answer it all disclaimer I do not own Invader Zim this is just a fanfiction and also if you're big and invader fan sorry to say this but if you don't like dark and greedy stories you may not like this one but for those of you who are interested in this story you can keep reading but I do have to warn you the store will be dealing with heavy topics and this is mostly a dark fanfiction topics such as War genocide psychological abuse extreme violence vulgar language rape torture scenes and a bunch of more messed up things that I can't even add anymore because it be too long I will add some humor but the only two characters that's going to have humor is Gir and Mimi all right enjoy the series I'm going to be writing


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The two S...
by Bingopugs