One direction'...
By sexycarrotclub
  • Fanfiction
  • 0ne
  • angel
  • bea
  • betray
  • bite
  • blood
  • book
  • death
  • direction
  • dirty
  • evil
  • fan
  • fangs
  • fiction
  • finished
  • finn
  • harris
  • harry
  • hexagon
  • hexigon
  • horan
  • hot
  • jack
  • kidnapped
  • liam
  • louis
  • love
  • lucia
  • malik
  • mates
  • moon
  • niall
  • one
  • onedirection
  • payne
  • popular
  • potions
  • prophency
  • reborn
  • red
  • rough
  • sequel
  • smut
  • spells
  • styles
  • tisdale
  • tomlinson
  • vampire
  • wattpad
  • werewolf
  • werewolves
  • witch
  • zayn


His lustful red eyes looked into my blue ones right before his head dipped to my neck. I let out a moan if pleasure as he kissed down my neck, his fangs dragging over my warm skin. "Are you sure, love?" He asked. "Yes." I barley made out before his teeth punctured my neck. Him sucking my blood was honestly better than sex. Better than anything in the world. He moaned as he gulped down the thick red liquid. "You taste so fucking good, Bea." He said, his lips still around the bite mark. "But I have to leave some from the others." He pulled away way sooner than i would have liked and I whimpered. "It's ok, love. I will send they next one in soon enough." I just nodded as I watched him walk out the door, leaving me on the king sized bed. ~The first book in The Reborn Series~


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One direc...
by sexycarrotclub