The Lucky One (2)...
By happyathello13
  • Fanfiction
  • billionaire
  • cliche
  • drama
  • fanfiction
  • folklore
  • gxg
  • happyending
  • lesbian
  • love
  • newlife
  • reputation
  • romance
  • sequel
  • swift
  • taylor
  • taylorswift
  • taylorswiftfanfic
  • taylorswiftffanfiction


"Being sober sucks." "I feel like being dead sucks more." Every second that passes by only makes the want for a drink feel greater. With every second that goes by, Grace is reminded that she is not who she used to be, and the new her doesn't drink. The new her also has a job, a new life and a relationship with a dynamic that just rapidly changed overnight. Yet when comparing her current self to her past, she's pretty sure she's the lucky one. - An alternate universe to my story 'Stay' and the subsequent one shots, same characters, completely different life. This is the sequel to 'Camera Flashes'. As with all my stories, this book contains mature themes and sensitive subject matter and is intended for a mature audience. Reader discretion is advised. - This is a work of fiction and I only own original characters and not Taylor Swift, her works or any other living and mentioned people. Persons and or opinions are fictional and not meant to cause harm to anyone living or dead. Do not reproduce or adapt.


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The Lucky...
by happyathello13