A new beginnings (l...
By HoneyBiggs
  • Romance
  • anarchy
  • canon
  • dictator
  • drama
  • fullbook
  • future
  • horror
  • lore
  • love
  • royalty
  • science
  • thriller
  • war


Here I am a new beginning a new start an new life a new everything, I've recently found out that I can Sense Danger an other people's Danger, Heal extremely fast, ShapeShift, AgeShift, GenderShift, make my hands into weapons, move extremely fast,and I can change my strength, and change time, and make stuff appear that they weren't there, and get this right, create black holes and nuclear events, sadly this puts a bad image to me but when i met him, it changed everything Hello I'm Fichet Ometely, I'm a male elf, Im now currently queen of Dotokomete and still am, I am basically the first queen thats male, I am 18 years old I'm 5'0 and I have an feminine hourglass Body type, I weight 147.5 lb. I married King Wolke Jr III. He's a male Dragonborn 20 years old, and he's 6 '1, He weighs 166 lbs, and he has a muscular upper body Bodytype. now enough about me and let me tell you a story a story about a war that changed me and my entire Life From my other account " @HoneyBiggsNFSWWorks" The timelistick love series are just pilots, now this is serious I will introduce to you "The Krotokuz Series" If you would like to help me with an animated YouTube series I would appreciate it! And some voice actors would do nice! Thank you all for sticking along! _-This book introduces a new described look to all characters, new characters and the best new lore!, Welp see ya all!-_

Chapter 1: A regular day

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A new beg...
by HoneyBiggs