DhruvTara FS - I wi...
By Minhasmansi92
  • Fanfiction
  • dhruvsaxena
  • dhruvtara
  • dhruvtara-samaysadisepare
  • rajkumaritarapriya
  • tarapriya


As Tara gazed at the moon, her heart filled with bittersweet longing. The stars twinkled above, echoing the promise she made to herself. She knew deep within that her connection with Dhruv transcended time and space, that their love was destined to endure. Lost in her thoughts, Tara looks to her side to see, Dhruv standing beside her, his presence warm and comforting. His smile, a beacon of hope, ignited a spark within her. Despite the physical distance between them, their souls remained intertwined, bound by an unbreakable thread. With a sigh, Tara wrapped her arms around herself, seeking solace in the chilly night air. The words whispered in her mind, carrying the weight of determination and devotion. "I will find you, Dhruv. If not in this century, in this birth. I will find you in my rebirth. Dhruv's Tara will find him, in every century, in every birth, in all 7 births that were meant to be. Dhruv's Tara will find him no matter what." As the scene faded, Tara's yearning lingered, a tale of love left unfinished. She whispered softly, "Ishq ki dastan, adhuri thi, adhuri hai. Mirza bhi mit gaya, sahiba adhuri hai. Jeene ke har wajah, adhuri thi, adhuri hai. Ishq ki dastan, adhuri thi, adhuri hai." These poignant words encapsulated the essence of their love story, a tale of incompleteness, yet to find its closure. And so, Tara carried on, guided by an unwavering belief that one day, their paths would intertwine again, and their love would transcend the boundaries of time and space.

The Numbness

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by Minhasmansi92