The Broken And Powe...
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"why do the worst things happen to the weakest people. its not fair." I sobbed into daniels shoulder. he had always been there to comfort me. and he made me so happy and that scared me. I was terrified. Not only because he might turn out to be like the men in my life; but because I am terrified that I'm depending on him too much. he has always pucked up the broken peices and one day he might not be there for me when i need him, and i will end up crumbing. To Daniel River had always been a broken girl who had the hope of being fixed. To herself River was just a fucked up woman who was far too broken to be fixed. Drama, a phsycopathic ex-boyfriend, and a rare were. will the powerfull Alpha be able to fix the broken rare werewolf. "do you want me to please you alpha daniel" she said so innocently. I wanted her so bad but I just cant have her.although this place didn't have cameras my inner wolf said. "Daniel stop beating your self up..." for more continue reading my lovelies

chapter 1~ this is only the beginning

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The Broke...
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