Burned (The Mortal...
By RayRay473
  • Teen Fiction
  • alec
  • clary
  • fairchild
  • jonathan
  • lightwoods
  • morgenstern
  • sebastian
  • simon
  • valentine


My names Clary Morgestern. I am 16 years old and live with my father and my older brother Jonathan Morgestern. My Father is pure evil and me and my brother hate him. But not more then our mother Jocelyn Fairchild. She left us after I was born and my father blamed me for it and started to beat Jonathan and I. I am starting my first year of high school in New York with my brother that is a senior. We are here for one reason only, and that is to see if anyone is on our trail to finding the truth about our fathers plans to kill all downworlders and find the Mortal cup. Did I tell you that my brother has demon blood in him? Or that I had demon blood in me too? Oh and there's on more thing, we are Shadowhunters. We hunt and kill demons and follow the law of the clave, well my family doesn't. Everyone believes my father and brother are dead and nobody knows I was ever born. What will happen when Clary meets Jace and the lightwoods? What will high school bring Clary?

Chapter 1

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Burned (T...
by RayRay473