Finding her
By XxLetMeGoxX
  • Vampire
  • action
  • bestfriend
  • finding
  • hunters
  • missing
  • vmpires
  • werewolf


I,Leon, am a vampire. I'm also is the only vampire to ever help the Hunters. The very people who kill my kind. But my kind are evil. I, for some reason, have more control than them. I worked with the scarryest human and my best friend Eva. 10 years ago she was kidnapped and now i'm trying to find her. It hasn't been easy, but i dont care. If i dont find her, i'll go insane. I'm Eva, yeah, that Eva. I have been held capive for 10 years. Throught the endless tourtur i have only one hope. Leon. He's the only person i trust and the only one who would try to find me. But i dont know what will happen when he dose. We left some things unanswered questions. I haunt his dreams and can only hope he knows its me. I'm week, it's not something i'm use to. But as soon as i get out of theas chains, my capture is going to find out why they call me the Demon of Death.

Finding her

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Finding h...
by XxLetMeGoxX