7 Signs
By NDBossieAuthor
  • Horror
  • -thriller
  • blackauthor
  • blackfiction
  • canines
  • dogs
  • femalemaincharacter
  • horror
  • horror-thriller
  • murder
  • mystery
  • mystery-thriller
  • scarystories
  • teenhorror
  • thriller
  • urbanlegends
  • wolves


For years there has been an urban legend surrounding the woods in the small town of Manning. Not all the woods, just a segment of a wooded tract in an area known to the residents as Redhill. It's said that these woods contained a trail that no one has ever successfully seen the end of, but it is believed that the trail leads to the house of a family of murderous cannibals. You see, there were signs along this trail warning all who dared venture down it to turn around for their own sake. There were seven of these signs, the warning of each increasing as the traveler continued along the trail. One might feel that simple signs would not be enough to dissuade a persistent trespasser, however, a group of dating teens would soon find that the signs were not the only thing to be weary of in the woods of Redhill.

Chapter 1

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7 Signs
by NDBossieAuthor