Lyrics to my heart
By 123ABChaha
  • Romance
  • guitar
  • ikari
  • romance
  • shipping


Dawn is a beautiful singer who can write lyrics with passion and meaning. Paul is a handsome guy who plays in a band. They both have signed up for 'Battle Of The Bands' a competition for young singers and instrument players from around the world! When Paul meets Dawn, he secretly falls for her, but doesn't have the guts to admit. (It's either that or he's too full of himself) But there is tension, as Paul begins to teach Dawn how to play a guitar, his friends get angry at him because they think he's "conspiring with the enemy" Paul gets very mad, and has a fight with them, and gets kicked out. Dawn feels horrible, and realizes that it was her fault. Paul feels her pain, and ends up confessing his love for her. Will they still win 'The Battle Of The Band'? Does Dawn feel the same way as Paul? Find out in this book!

Untitled Part 1

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Lyrics to...
by 123ABChaha