The betrothal
By TammyPrete4
  • Historical Fiction


Okay fans, I'm probably not done with this one, but losing interest in it, so I'm tentatively ending it, hope you like the final product. Luv y'all! ................James Arbruster, Duke of Thorngrove, had a moment of weakness when he laid eyes on the belle of the ball and let indiscretion rule over propriety or common sense. He had held her in his arms and kissed her fully, tasting of her silky white neck, but they had been caught....and to avoid her ruination with the ton, he had signed the betrothal agreement. That was two years ago, and he had not dared touch her or kiss her like that again. James had no desire to marry, for he had a lot of vices to give up yet, and the innocent Rebecca Worthington, daughter of the Earl of Pembroke deserved far better than the likes of a rogue like him. He would find her a husband deserving of her, and when she fell in love with him, he would have no problem being released from their contract. Problem was, in two years time, he had yet to find any man worthy of a beautiful angelic being like Rebecca. She deserved the very best, but he had to keep all the rest away from her, especially ones like himself! It was a constant battle keeping his hands off her, but he would not steal her treasure, he would preserve her for the man who actually deserved her...if there could be such a man.

The betrothal

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The betro...
by TammyPrete4