Welcome To ANHS (Ne...
By Xxxxgjsibvsisni3462
  • Fanfiction
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  • classroomoftheelite
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  • karizawakei
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  • kei
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  • kiyokei
  • kiyotaka
  • mightbecrossover
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  • yoohankim
  • yoojonghyuk


In the world of Advanced Nurturing High School, the hierarchy is everything. It's a place where status and power are determined not just by one's academic excellence, but by their ability to navigate the complex social structure. A place where subtlety and observation are paramount, and where I, Ayanokoji Kyo, find myself perfectly at home. People often tell me that I'm the spitting image of my father, Kiyotaka Ayanokoji. Well, it's not just in looks, but in temperament as well. I'm the introverted chip off the old block, you could say. Like my father, I tend to think with my brain, relying on logic and reason rather than emotions. And, I'm not one to mince words. Bluntness and sarcasm come naturally to me. But here's the thing about me: with the people I'm comfortable with, those I care about, I'm a different person. I become more expressive, even cute, they say. It's my way of showing that I trust them, a rare commodity in my world. You see, in ANHS, trust is a luxury, and it's not given freely. Yet, something has always nagged at the back of my mind, something I've overheard in hushed tones-The White Room. I don't know what it is, but it feels like a shadow from my father's past. The memory is vague, just whispers and hints, but it's always there, tugging at my curiosity. My father, Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, is a man of few words, especially about his past. He's never spoken a word about his paternal family or the enigmatic White Room. It's a void of information that I've always been compelled to explore, like a puzzle I need to solve. I'm a lot like my father, no doubt about it, but this curiosity about the White Room sets me apart. It's a mystery I'm determined to unravel, even if it means delving into the secrets my father has chosen to keep hidden. In this world of hierarchy and intrigue, one thing's for sure-there's more to my lineage than meets the eye.


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Welcome T...
by Xxxxgjsibvsisni3462