My mates
By Shira_yuki_07
  • Romance
  • darkfae
  • demon
  • dragon
  • fae
  • fantasy
  • harem
  • kitsune
  • mate
  • mates
  • multiplemate
  • polyamory
  • reverseharem
  • romance


In the enchanting realm of Eldoria, a tapestry of mythical beings and otherworldly wonders intermingled with the mortal realm. Amidst this ethereal landscape, a 25-year-old human woman named Elara toiled away in the bustling halls of a renowned tech company. Little did she know that her ordinary existence was about to be entwined with extraordinary destinies. Her superior, a captivating and enigmatic kitsune, possessed an air of authority that both intrigued and unnerved her. One fateful day, he revealed his true nature and whispered sultry words of longing, asking Elara to become his chosen mate. The veils of her world unraveled, revealing a clandestine realm where passion and desire melded with the supernatural. Caught in the throes of an intense romance with her boss, Elara was swept up in a whirlwind of emotions. Yet, just as she contemplated sealing their bond, her path took an unexpected turn. Four ethereal figures emerged, each more captivating than the last. A Fae prince, his allure brimming with ancient wisdom. A dark fae, harboring a seductive aura of mystery. A dragon shifter, his fiery gaze igniting the flames of temptation. And a demon, embodying both danger and forbidden allure. Elara's heart wrestled with conflicting desires, torn between the intoxicating affection of her kitsune lover and the allure of her newfound suitors. Now ensnared in a web of intricate emotions, she ventured into uncharted territories of her own desires, longing to understand the power that pulsed within her veins. As the stars whispered secrets of destiny, Elara's journey into a world of passion, danger, and profound self-discovery had just begun. Her choices would shape not only her own fate but also the delicate balance between realms, forever altering the destiny of those who dwelled within.


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My mates
by Shira_yuki_07