Mutant Busters: The...
By SpinningBagel
  • General Fiction
  • aaaaaaaaaaaa
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  • authourregretsmostthings
  • idk
  • imsotired
  • lightangst
  • mutantbusters
  • slowtoupdate
  • taggingonheresucks


"The Earth, a prosperous, fertile planet until one fateful day it was devastated by a cataclysmic event- by one big-" Yeah no. That's not this story, well it is but it's also not. This story is less... childish to put it simply. Yes you heard me, a children's show NOT being childish what is this madness? But well, I'm hoping we can both agree when I saw the show was weird and uncomfortable at times. So I'm aiming to try and rewrite it to be better. I make no promises though, don't hold me at gun point if I still manages to make something weird. TLDR: I took a children's show about farting and butt jokes and made it a not-so children's show (cross-posted on ao3)

Chapter 1: Sheriff and Shooter

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Mutant Bu...
by SpinningBagel