Villain or Hero?
By sarahbethbooks
  • Fanfiction
  • captainhook
  • darkone
  • dream
  • dreamcomestrue
  • dreammills
  • dreams
  • drillian
  • emmaswan
  • evilqueen
  • happilyeverafters
  • henrymills
  • killianjones
  • kream
  • magicalwayscomeswithaprice
  • nealcassidy
  • onceuponadream
  • onceuponatime
  • ouat
  • princecharming
  • reginamills
  • rumbelle
  • rumplestiltskin
  • sarahbethbooks
  • snowwhite
  • villainorhero


***Fourth book in the Dream series*** ***The following book to All Magic Comes With a Price*** The last time we saw our heroes, Emma and Dream might have ruined the future by bringing back someone from the past. Robin Hood's wife, Marian. Did this ruin Regina's happily ever after? Or is the fact that she was a villain prevent her from even having one? The last time we saw Dream and Hook, they were happy. They had two healthy babies and a wedding to plan. But will Regina's sadness affect the happy engagement news? Or will the same thing happen to Hook, who is a villain too? Will they get to have their fairy tale wedding? Or will the curse of being villains keep them from getting a happily ever after? *Disclaimer* And once again, I do not own any rights to Once Upon a Time. All rights go to ABC Family, Adam Horowitz, and Edward Kitsis. And the inspiration for Dream Mills is Danielle Campbell.


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Villain o...
by sarahbethbooks