Back to the Future...
By BeanSidheMoonsong
  • Fanfiction
  • craigh
  • craighnadun
  • dun
  • elves
  • elvin
  • fraser
  • ian
  • ianmurray
  • jamie
  • jamiefraser
  • jenny
  • jennyfrasermurray
  • murray
  • outlander
  • pagan
  • summer
  • summerfraser
  • timetravel


Times've Changed, and Times're strange - no truer words coulda been spoken, and Jamie Fraser's not even aware they HAVE been spoken before. After everything he'd been through and otherwise experienced following being quite literally Spirited through Time, he thought he'd seen and heard it all. That turns out to be further from the Truth than he ever imagined, but there's a difference this Time around - he's some of those closest to him BESIDES his wife at his side for the Mayhem. Jenny and Ian Murray're more than a lil overwhelmed when they first arrive in the twenty-first Century. They're Awed and amazed by inventions such as electricity and indoor plumbing, but there're things beyond that that they'd never've thought possible. How will the Time-Traveling trio of Scots cope with their New Life in the twenty-first Century? Will they come to regret that decision since there's no going back now, literally OR figuratively?


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by BeanSidheMoonsong