Red is such a beaut...
By FrenziedFlame
  • Fanfiction
  • ambiguousizuku
  • blood
  • blooddrinking
  • crazyizuku
  • feminineizuku
  • gore
  • insanedeku
  • insaneizukumidoriya
  • izukuhasabloodquirk
  • izukuhasaknife
  • izukuhasatransformationquirk
  • izukuhashimikosquirk
  • izukuisshort
  • izukuloveseveryonecoveredinred
  • leagueofvillains
  • lov
  • majorcharacterinjury
  • myheroacadamia
  • psychologicalhorror


Izuku was always a nice and happy child. Always got along with others his age, always had a fascination with heroes and people's quirks! He was normal. But after his quirk came in those fascinations Changed. The color red in any form was so pretty! He couldn't get enough of it. But what really caught the attention of the four year old was whenever someone or something bled. He was normal. That's what mom told him to be, normal. Or, Izuku has the same quirk as Himiko! Seriously this quirk for Izuku is underrated and not used enough in fan fiction. By the way each chapter has over 2000 words normally. Highlight rankings: #2 in crazyizuku: June 19th #2 in majorcharacterinjury: July 3rd

Chapter 1. Vermillion

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Red is su...
by FrenziedFlame