𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 ?...
By _Nightfable_
  • Fanfiction
  • 10th-walker
  • adventure
  • alternateuniverse
  • elf
  • elves
  • fanfiction
  • fellowship
  • hobbit
  • legolas
  • legolasgreenleaf
  • legolaslovestory
  • legolasxoc
  • leogomance
  • lord-of-the-rings
  • lordoftherings
  • lotr
  • lotrfanfiction
  • lovestory
  • middle-earth
  • rivendell
  • romance
  • romancefanfiction
  • thranduil
  • tolkien


Found as a baby within Saruman's tower, Tuilindil is adopted and raised in the 4th Age after Sauron's defeat. The curious elf grows close to Legolas, who comes to visit Minas Tirith. One day, Saruman's dark magic sends her back into the past as his prisoner. He assaults her mind to learn the events of the future. He sees Frodo carrying the one ring and he sends his crebain after him. The ring is brought to Rivendell but Frodo perishes. Gandalf helps Tuilindil escape the tower and Sam must now carry the ring. Because of her presence, a chain of events has begun unraveling the timeline and places all Middle-Earth in danger. ─── ❉ ─── Saruman's figure towered over Tuilindil, casting a long shadow that swallowed the room. "You will tell me," his voice a venomous hiss. "I will extract every morsel of information from you, one way or another!" His eyes, once filled with a cold and calculated gaze, now burned with an unholy fire. Behind his taunting words and twisted smiles. She sensed the depths of his anger, directed at her for withholding the answers he sought. With a cruel smile, Saruman raised both wizard staffs, a sinister intent shimmering in his eyes. As he made contact with Tuilindil's consciousness, she screamed, the pain ripping through her like a tempestuous storm. His mental assaults pierced through the fragile barriers she had erected. She cried out, her voice a desperate plea for mercy, as her fragile mind and soul were laid bare before the relentless intrusion. Images, memories, and fragments of her consciousness spilled forth uncontrollably. Like shattered fragments of a mirror, reflecting the memories she held... ... the secrets of the future. Thanks to @BinkleB9000 for their unwavering support! :)

Chapter 1 - Unseen Powers and Departure

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by _Nightfable_