TENSURA: Accelerand...
By Aurea_Rubrum
  • Fanfiction
  • tensura


I felt my body weaken inch by inch, as my hand fell on his lifeless body. <<...>> Grief that eats me up inside making me want to just die along with him, without him, I am nothing. I slowly lowered myself to his chest to hear his heart. <<...>> Anger at myself for not being able and responsible for watching out for disaster, it spelled our doom in an instant. I directly placed my head unto his left chest where his heart should be around. <<...>> Frustration that I couldn't be more skilled, frustration that I couldn't be faster than I am. The pain that I felt from my stomach was completely ignored as I listened for the beat. <<...>> Anguish, mental torture at the thought that I couldn't be with him anymore. Though my body was shouting at me that my bones were broken, I kept listening. <<...>> The misery at losing you the very day that was supposedly to be spent happily with you. My mind was losing it, the pain, both emotionally and physically were attacking me. <<...>> Despair hit me in waves upon waves as I think about the future where you don't even exist at all. I ignored everything, and just focused into hearing his heartbeat. It was weakening steadily, but it was still there. Last but not the least, actually, the most. Regret that I didn't even have the guts to tell you. Regret that I couldn't tell you, and regret that I didn't tell you. <<...>> "Haha..." I laughed bitterly, my ribs poking my lungs made the difficult, impossible. "You know, every time, our hearts never did beat the same rhythm until now." My heart stopped. And yours did too, finally, they were at the same pace. <<...Confirmed. Unique skill: <{-[Accelerando: Ex Nihilo]-}> granted.>> Just shut the fuck up already, will you?

AEN/Accelerando: Ex Nihilo - Acceleration: The God From Nothing

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by Aurea_Rubrum