Apex Vigilance: Glo...
By Notp1982
  • Action
  • anthro
  • anthropomorphic
  • armies
  • factions
  • forces
  • furries
  • furry
  • furrywar
  • humans
  • sciencefiction
  • soldiers
  • vs
  • war


In the aftermath of a brutal 15-year conflict between Humans and Anthros, a tenuous truce hangs in the balance, casting a shadow over a world scarred by the ravages of war. Out of the ashes emerges a new era defined by a fragile peace, and at the forefront of this delicate equilibrium stands the Steel Wardens - an extraordinary legion of highly trained and elite warriors sworn to safeguard humanity. As the vanguards of this newfound peace, the Steel Wardens bear the weighty responsibility of preserving global harmony, upholding the principles of freedom, and shielding the world from any threats that may arise, be they of Anthro or Human origin. Their valor is matched only by their unwavering commitment to maintaining the delicate balance between two species whose destinies are inexorably intertwined. Amidst the remnants of a fractured world, the Steel Wardens navigate the complexities of their duty, grappling with the scars of a bygone conflict and the ever-present specter of uncertainty. Yet, within the crucible of this post-war landscape, alliances are forged, secrets unearthed, and the true test of resilience unfolds as these exceptional warriors strive to transcend the shadows of a tumultuous past.


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Apex Vigi...
by Notp1982