The many times Link...
By Ships_as_Axololes
  • Humor
  • botw
  • ihatetags
  • link
  • revali
  • revalink
  • revalixlink
  • story
  • stupid


This is a BOTW au, where Link had a mentor. Find out the lore yourself from my writing, but just so you know, the mentor is an oc. Also, Revalink is in this, but only slightly. Not tagging it cuz it should be really slight, but if the gays write themselves too much, I will add the tag. Edit: The gays have written themselves. Edit 2: Enough to get number 4 in Revalink!!! Let's go!!!(7/24/2023) Edit 3: Missed a few, but ENOUGH TO GET #2 IN REVALIXLINK CFDRFVGGVHBGHB(8/9/2023) Edit 4: #3 RevaLink!!!(8/19/2023) Edit 5: #2 Revalixlink! (8/23/2023) Edit 6: I feel like I'm getting annoying with these updates so now all future updates will mainly be if I get #1 in something or there's something else to add. Edit 7: #1 IN REVALINK!!!! (9/13/2023)(still here/maybe left but came back 9/23/2023) Edit 7: Tag wasn't #1 for a while, but this story is once again #1 in RevaliXLink!!! (5/4/2024)

He Touch Moss

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The many...
by Ships_as_Axololes