Redefine your respi...
By bharathomeopathy01
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When the body's immune system becomes overactive, asthma develops gradually in a person over time. A person with asthma has chest congestion, breathing problems, and wheezes when they breathe. People with asthma produce an excessive amount of mucus. The layer of compressed soft muscles that surrounds the bronchi and bronchioles makes breathing challenging. Since the airways are inflamed, patients need to intake foods that help to restore their overactive immune system and provide a natural cure for asthma. They should also include anti-inflammatory items in their diets to reduce inflammation in their bodies. They must avoid pollutants and allergens such as dust, smoke, chemical fumes, and other things that can trigger asthma. Allergic asthma Attacks of allergic asthma are brought on by inhaling allergens, which set off an allergic reaction. Allergens are unharmful chemicals that cause an incorrect adverse immunological response in the body. Pollen, dust, animal dander, and mold are typical allergies. The symptoms of asthma are caused by the immunological response. The most prevalent type of the condition is allergic asthma.

Redefine your respiratory health with Allergy and Asthma Specialists

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by bharathomeopathy01