"There's a detail in every aspect of a word-each intricate, jagged edge of a letter tells a story." . Open ( ) . Judging ( ) . Finished (🎤) And accept a heartfelt welcome to The Reconteur awards from us, the Mellifluous Community, where that is exactly what will be withheld to our small, musical corner in the world. Art is the root of beauty. From it stems a hundred different branches- some striped with red and green, some hung with festoons of words, some twirling in it's own mad will and some whispering tunelessly with the breeze. And once a storm, the wind picks up speed and hurls it's canopy into such a disarray that, even if for a split second, two of its branches intertwine. And you, stranger, have stumbled into the synapse of the branch of words and the one of tunes. Set on the music sheets of olden songs long lost into pattered hummings, our community welcomes you to wield the lost words, to tune the unstrung guitar. It will a recounteur with a dash of courage and a whisper of art to meet our judges in our new awards. Midnight hasn't struck yet, and the outro's not over. Give us your hand, let us guide you into this dance of words against the floor of notes. The clock's sticking 11... Cover made by: @vyxn1k Blurb made by: @carelessly_fabulous-
♯┊ Welcome