Both smiled brighte...
By ToastSandwich143
  • Fanfiction
  • angst
  • basilomori
  • basilxkel
  • basilxsunny
  • boyxboy
  • cactiflower
  • cactifloweromori
  • depressivethemes
  • kelomori
  • kelxbasil
  • kelxsunny
  • omori
  • omoribasil
  • omoricactiflower
  • omorikel
  • omorisunflower
  • omorisuntan
  • slowburn
  • suicide
  • sunflower
  • sunfloweromori
  • sunnyxbasil
  • sunnyxkel
  • suntan
  • suntanomori


currently discontinued due to having no motivation. i may or may not pick it up again in the future, but for now, dont expect any updates Headcannons included. Includes themes of suicide, eating disorder, manslaughter, self harm, panic attacks, vomit, gore, blood, depression, anxiety, hospitalization, derealization, abuse, child neglect, transphobia, homophobia, etc. Bad ending spoilers Sunny was supposed to move away that day. To a new city, to a new life, where he could leave everything behind and forget about all of the bad things that happened. But on the night before the move, he got into a fight with Basil as a way to try and stop him from ending his own life. The both of them ended up hospitalized, and while everyone was waiting for Basil to wake up, Sunny decides to jump off of the roof of the building to put an end to the suffering he ensued on himself and all of his friends. But what about everyone else? What are they going to do without their ray of sunshine?

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Both smil...
by ToastSandwich143