Why Me
By subversion1
  • Fantasy
  • little
  • suicidalthoughts


A little who goes by the name Tavi Vampire Kitty. has been trying for years to find a mommy or daddy. Every daddy they met wants sex and money and every mommy just wants money. So Tavi is always alone their grandparents passed away and with no one that cares. Thier only friend is a knife that has seen more blood then anything else. Always alone always afraid of letting someone get too close. Now trying to figure out if death would be better then living. No one can see the scars that are hidden under clothes. No one can see past a fake smile. No one cares as long as it doesn't effect them. The more cuts the less it hurts. the more pain is the only reminder of still living. For Tavi life is just work then go home. No friends no fun. Just wait for death to come. Tavi is never really happy they have been through a lot and we'll people can only take so much before they shut down. Life isn't always easy and having no one is probably just as bad if not worse then death.

Every story has a beginning

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Why Me
by subversion1