A Faecaran Witch
By BoldNCheeky
  • General Fiction
  • demons
  • fae
  • fiction
  • spanking
  • violence
  • warlocks
  • witches


Larissa White is a member of the Leather Leaf Coven and a Faecara, or Fae Friend, a title which comes with great responsibility. Not only must she help the Fae whenever possible, but she is tasked with keeping their secret at all costs, even if that means breaking the rules of her own coven. While Larissa struggles to balanced her coven's duties with her lesson plans as a teacher at the local high school, she is soon dragged into a personal war as a demon that was trapped years ago is unleashed by their enemy, the Dying Ground Coven, a group of black hearted witches. Little does Larissa know that the dark witches have made plans that will test her mental and metaphysical powers to their limits. WARNING: The story is mainly fiction based with a strong vein of discipline and sexual activity. It is intended for more mature audience. Notes: This is an ongoing story, so I will be updating periodically. Again, please, any feedback is appreciated, especially the helpful kind.

1. Long Awaited Opportunity

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A Faecara...
by BoldNCheeky