Lovely Beast
By MaitreyaTheNovel
  • Mystery / Thriller


Taylor Thorn survived the kind of childhood trauma that would have left most disturbed, medicated, and possibly institutionalized for life. Instead of breaking down under the regular assaults of abandonment and other forms of psychological and sexual abuse, Taylor spawned alters able to not only survive, but thrive when confronted with dangerous and demanding circumstances. Lovely Beast, is based on a fictional extension of the very real possibility of having our core personality severed into alters bred for survival. In our story, the main character was not always able to reign in one powerfully dominant and dangerous alter, who, when presented with certain triggers was willing and able to confront and eliminate any pretense of peril. Although Lovely Beast is a work of fiction, the potential for such a character to exist in our world is well within the realm of possibility. The story’s protagonist, Taylor Thorn, is an exotic entertainer who begins experiencing flashback-related panic attacks. Struggling to understand what’s happening she seeks professional help and agrees to be institutionalized. While in therapy, Taylor comes to understand that embedded deep inside her psyche are alternate personalities developed as a survival mechanism in response to repeated trauma during her childhood. Taylor manages to escape the cruel clutches of her sadistic therapist who had her drugged and bound to serve his sexual obsession, only to be kidnapped as she flees the hospital.

Part I Blood on the New Moon Chapter 1

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Lovely Be...
by MaitreyaTheNovel