Masked Evil
By jollthetroll
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • evil
  • mask
  • mythology
  • random
  • spirits


Most people think of the big bang theory was what created the universe. Others think it was never created, it was just always there. Others believe God made everything. They were only half right. Balance was always their protecting its children, but when they start a mass war over the Paradoxial, theirs not a lot it can do. It did however put it to an end, but the hatred between Good and Evil never settled. Good and Evils kids destroyed the Paradoxial into multiple pieces and scattered them through out the universe to prevent their parents from fighting anymore. But in the year 2015, the Spirits of the world and the Monsters of the other world restart their war and start looking for the Paradoxial and its key, which just so happens to be Jay Mattison, which is at the grave yard staring down into his friends grave around this time of day. When he finally turns fourteen, he finds that he is special for his heritage. And that soon, very soon, all will come clear with the mask....

My grave yard experience

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Masked Ev...
by jollthetroll