The Lovely Princess...
By libertiaxx
  • Fanfiction
  • albusdumbledorebashing
  • athanasiadealgerobelia
  • dumbledorebashing
  • harrypotter
  • hogwarts
  • hogwartsschoolofwitchcraftandwizardry
  • lovelyprincess
  • whomademeaprincess


Octavia Lily Potter-Black the Girl-Who-Lived was the adopted child of James and Lily Potter, along Sirius Black, she was found on their doorstep on July 31, 1980. Everyone who had seen her adored her, even the estranged sister of Lily and that whale of a husband of hers loves Octavia, adored her really; that they were going to set aside their hatred for magic for Octavia. It's because she was simply lovely. The Marauders(except Peter) and the Dursleys were the only people who had seen her. So when Lily and James died and Octavia was sent to live with Petunia, Dumbledore internally hoped that Octavia Potter-Black, or what she was known as Via Potter, would be mistreated so he could have the weapon he needs. But Via Potter, as lovely as she may be, she was smart, she was cunning. She somehow knew what he was planning, with the way her group follows her, Dumbledore thought she was the next Dark Lady But not really, she was just a girl who was so lovely that people have been calling her The Lovely Princess of Hogwarts.

The Arrival

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The Lovel...
by libertiaxx