The lament untold |...
By Nakshatra012m
  • Short Story
  • adityakarikalan
  • betrayal
  • chola
  • deceive
  • doom
  • nandini
  • pain
  • ponniyinselvan


[ An OS on Aditya Karikalan and Nandini ] Aditya Karikalan - the crown prince of Cholas , his heart swelled with love at the sight of the young orphan girl - Nandini. In her, he found a light that shone brighter than any other in his world. She was his solace, his comfort, his reason for being. Her eyes , her smile, her laughter - they all gave him an inexplicable joy that he had never known before. But fate, cruel and unrelenting, intervened. He stood helpless, Nandini was taken from him, torn away by the harsh realities of their world. And as she disappeared from his sight, a darkness settled in his heart that he could not shake. He tried to fill the void with his royal duties, his wealth, and his power, but nothing could compare to the presence of her. The world around him faded, its colors muted and dull, and he found himself trapped in a world of his own, a world where the only thing that burned in his heart was a deep and unending lament for the love he had lost. He watched as the seasons changed, as the world continued to spin, but the emptiness in his heart remained. And as he walked through the aisles of the palace, he knew that nothing could ever make up for the love he had lost, the love that had become his entire world. The flame had been set and it would die only with his end. _______________ A OS from Aditya Karikalan's POV once Nandini is separated from him. This OS is a small figment adapted from Kalki's Ponniyin Selvan.


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The lamen...
by Nakshatra012m