The Midnight Dragon...
By _Rose4xx
  • Fantasy
  • 1800
  • bad
  • castle
  • cringe
  • darkonedirection
  • dragons
  • fanfiction
  • fantasy
  • firststory
  • grammar
  • hunters
  • kings
  • nora
  • queen
  • real
  • village
  • villages
  • weird


• • • A girl named Nora lived in the village with her father and mother, she always believed in fairytales with dragons... she always thought dragons were good creatures, all the dragons have been killed but one... it was a midnight dragon, the hunters tried to kill it and make sure it's dead but every time the hunters get close to the dragon it disappears, most people believed all of the dragons went extinct and there was no more but they knew there was just one dragon left... Nora would always go into the woods and read her favorite book because she thought it was always peaceful in the woods and that's where the midnight dragon was usually spotted... so she wanted to see the dragon herself and after a couple of months without seeing it there it was, she finally saw it, the thing she hoped one day she would actually be able to see... A Dragon...• • •

The Introduction

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The Midni...
by _Rose4xx