God of The Jura Tem...
By LeShikikan_DeCruiser
  • Fanfiction
  • dragon
  • guardian
  • magic
  • rimuru
  • rimurutempest
  • slime
  • sword
  • tempest
  • tensura
  • thattimeigotreincarnatedasaslime


Eventually, after the Great Tenma War ended, the world was at peace once more. Centuries then passed, the great demon lords then planned on going to slumber, which none of them would know could change the outcome of the entire world. Milim instead went to heaven to deal with the matters up there and the former primordial rogue, aka guy went back to the underworld to take his slumber there. The rest went to slumber in their perspective areas. Our beloved slime however, changed his entire country, he left his country be but did not forget to put a barrier to avoid danger. But that was not the only thing that he did. He made a Guardian for his country as he cannot, nor can his patrons defend his country as they all want to rest. More centuries passed, everything changed, humanity has forgotten of the alliance that was made to balance out monster and human. Soon eventually caused another war, but certain lands such as the Northern Continent, the Eastern Empire, and many others were left untouched by the humans as the areas were deemed "dangerous". Now, the awakening of the demon lords will happen, what would the humans become after their return? Will they stay and fight? Or submit and surrender?


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God of Th...
by LeShikikan_DeCruiser