Gwi Owns the Night...
By snicolina
  • Fanfiction
  • fanfic
  • fantasy
  • gwi
  • historical
  • hyeryung
  • kdrama
  • kimsoeun
  • leesoohyuk
  • mbc
  • rewrite
  • romance
  • scholarwhowalksthenight
  • supernatural
  • swwtn
  • vampire


It seems as though I wasn't the only viewer who wanted the writers to love Gwi as much as his hair, makeup, and costume teams clearly did. XD So just for fun, I started re-writing an almost completely different story - pure fluff - with a less tragic ending in mind. I'm using Hye-ryung, but her character is, for the most part, entirely changed from SWWtN. And most of the other characters are made up. The whole thing came out as a screenplay, but I have never in my life written a screenplay, so it's an understatement to say I don't know what I'm doing here. I loosely tried to keep to formatting but I've cut a lot of the technical bits and with wattpad I just have to go with the simplest way to transfer everything in. Screenplays aren't meant to be read anyway; I know that. But hopefully it's enjoyable all the same? I am annoyed that English doesn't have a word for laughing as one short puff of air with no tone. As such, I've just had to call it 'breath laughing'. I'm sorry this sounds stupid. I couldn't think of a fitting title so I've just put up this silly one. I hope it makes you all laugh. None of the images belong to me. Thank you to these two fan videos which made writing this all the more fun: Since writing this, I've also found these two, which I've had on repeat. XD


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Gwi Owns...
by snicolina