Why did i fall in l...
By crazy_4_noodlez
  • Romance


Olivia Lockheart has fallen in love quite a few times, but never for real. Her two best friend: Helen and Brooke, have already tried to convince Olivia, especially Brooke, that she needs to find someone before the school year ends. Usually they try to set her up with guys around the school but they never really work out… Olivia is just too independent of herself! On the other hand, Nicolas Sage is the kind of guy who can take on any girl he wants. Since this is his 2nd year at their high school, he wants to make the most of it before he gets into some serious work next year especially since he’s failing. And when his two best friends: Adam, and James argue enough, they make a deal. Nico has to date 1 girl, and waste her heart! XD

Chapter 1: Who cares?!

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Why did i...
by crazy_4_noodlez