The Daughters of Bo...
By inlovewiththelibrary
  • Fantasy
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • princess
  • royalty
  • twins


Four Different girls. Sisters, Twins separated, royalty on the run and a girl from the village. Emmaline, a powerless girl who hasn't yet tapped into her inner animal is looking for her way to the castle. separated from her twin sister, one who she assumes to be dead, she is set on making her way to the king and queen so that she may warn them of what is to come. But she bumps into a Strange girl who seems determined to keep her real identity a secret. Princess Maylene, a power full elemental, has escaped from her kidnappers and is trying to find her way back home, to the palace. soon to be of age and a queen, she must make it back home to keep her kingdom safe from war. however when a grief stricken, kind girl runs into her, she finds herself joining her on her journey back to the place shes always called home. Soldier and Animal shifter Annaliese awakes on the far side of the kingdom, sure that her sister, Emmaline is dead. Setting her grief and pain aside, she marks out a path to the palace so that she may alert the royal family of a prophecy she heard on a ship before it crashed, almost killing her and parted her from her sister However, she meets a n overly friendly girl on her quest and Annaliese seems reluctant to let her tag along, especially when she cant bear to grow close to someone only to lose them again. NIla has always been content with her life on the farm. As a faerie, Being surrounded by nature is her hearts only desire. Meeting an injured, closed of girl however, soon changes things for her. Intent on making sure she accomplishes her mission safely, she joins her only to find that life away from the fields is very different. But can these girls survive with only each other? can Annaliese without Emmaline? Can emmaline without Annaliese? Can Nila keep it together this far from home? Can Emmaline survive without any magic, in a world full of it? Can Maylene adjust to the harsh conditions of the outside world? Can they find each other?

Chapter 1

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The Daugh...
by inlovewiththelibrary