What Should I Write...
By ElizabethCole89
  • Random
  • icantthinkofanymoretags
  • ideabook
  • ideas
  • indecision
  • nonfiction
  • pitch
  • prompts
  • random
  • thoughts
  • whatnext
  • writing
  • youdecide


My brain never shuts off. Ever. Every day I'm either getting new story ideas or having random dialogue or scenes pop into my head. I've typed up rough drafts of these ideas and put them on the backburner to focus on finishing Bloodshed, but I won't be working on that story forever. I need to find a new project to work on after Bloodshed is done. And seeing as how I'm an indecisive heifer, I'll leave it to you guys. I'll make each chapter of this book a pitch about whatever insanity my brain has concocted and let you decide if it's something you would be interested in. If so, I'll try to flesh it out and see if it goes anywhere. If not, maybe y'all could make some suggestions (like maybe titles, 'cause those are definitely NOT my forte). So, how about it? Wanna help me figure out what I should write next?

Idea 1: A Werewolf Story

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What Shou...
by ElizabethCole89