KOTLC After Stellar...
By classicalbibliophile
  • Fanfiction
  • afterstellarlune
  • biana
  • bianex
  • dex
  • dexiana
  • diana
  • fluff
  • foster
  • hunkyhair
  • keefe
  • keefesencen
  • keefoster
  • keeperofthelostcities
  • keephie
  • kotlc
  • lostcities
  • shannonmessenger
  • sokeefe
  • sokeefefluff
  • sokeefekisses
  • sokeefeshipper
  • sophiefoster
  • teamfosterkeefe
  • texttospeech


"Keefe. Even if I hadn't been unmatchable, even if Fitz and I had been on each other's match lists, I need you to know that eventually, it still would have been you." -Excerpt from "Triumphant" All she knew was that this time, she and Keefe were scared and broken together. This time, it wasn't just one comforting the other. This time, they had to draw strength from each other and simply be glad they weren't going through it alone. -Excerpt from "Ro(part 2)" And then, he was kissing her. And everything that had happened between them, all of the near misses, all of the heartache, every memory they shared--the good and the bad--was replaying in both of their minds as they shared this one perfect kiss. -Excerpt from "Ro(part 5)" "I learned that day that Fitz may have filled your head, but I was in your heart... I didn't know if you'd ever make the connection, but knowing I was in your heart kept me going. Because Sophie, for me-even back then-it was all you. You filled my head and my heart. You still do. And you always will." -Excerpt from "Head vs Heart" All headcanon. All characters and settings belong to Shannon Messenger.


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KOTLC Aft...
by classicalbibliophile